Please call us at 518-218-7970 or email us at so that we can assist you with scheduling exams, adjustments, pick-ups, and any other eyecare needs.

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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Casey Vision Care a proud provider of vision care products and services in Albany.

Dr. Rachel McCann

Rachel McCann grew up in Guilderland and was a 1998 graduate of GHS.  Go Dutchman! She continued to stay in the area through college and graduated summa cum laude from the University at Albany. After choosing Optometry for her career she moved to NYC and received her Doctorate of Optometry from SUNY College of Optometry.The last year of Optometry school she had the opportunity to complete externships at Northport VA hospital and West Point Military Academy. Her focus is providing thorough primary care Optometry for all ages. In addition, she fits contact lenses, including specialty lens fits, treats dry eye, and is involved with identifying retinal issues and other ocular diseases.

The professional opportunities and sense of community in the Capital Region have been a perfect fit. She is an active member in the optometric community and enjoys helping to organize a primary care Optometry conference annually. Her other activities center around the three beautiful children. She and her husband enjoy traveling with the whole crew, as well as many outdoor activities including skiing, hiking, and swimming. Rachel is thrilled to be practicing Optometry, as well as raising her family in her friendly hometown.

Dr. Monica Casey-Gee

Monica is an honors graduate of the State University of New York School of Optometry and was recognized as outstanding in her class in the area of low vision, for the care of persons who are legally blind. She is currently the Clinical Director of the Northeastern Association for the Blind in Albany (NABA).

At Casey Vision Care, she provides full family eye care and holds the highest level of optometry license in New York State for the topical treatment of eye diseases.

Laurie Zinnershine, Optician

Laurie is a New York State Licensed Optician with over 20 years of experience. Laurie’s ability to assess patient’s needs and insightful use of her experience makes her a vital part of the team.

When Laurie is not at work she enjoys camping with her family.

JoAnne Hale, Optician

JoAnne is a member of the NYS Board of Examiners for Ophthalmic Dispensing. JoAnn has over 30 years of highly trained experience in adapting and fitting lenses for the corrections of deficiencies, deformities or anomalies of the human eyes on written prescriptions from a licensed physician or optometrist.

She is the lead contact lens consultant for our office, and is always keeping up on the latest rebates and savings for our patients.

She is extremely knowledgeable with a vast knowledge of the optical field and she is meticulous in understanding your needs as a patient.